Tai Chi Reduces Stress * Improves Strength and Flexibility * Improves balance * Improves Range of Motion (ROM) * Improves Body & Mind Awareness. Tai Chi is an Evidence Based program recommended for Adults by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and endorsed by The Arthritis Foundation and The Florida Health Network.
My name is Valerie Levy and I am a Board Certified Instructor in Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention and Tai Chi for Energy. As you can see, I'm here with one of my classes doing Tai Chi and having fun keeping fit. If you are having balance issues, want to improve your overall mind and body health, then this is the no impact, no pain exercise for you. Women and men alike can benefit from this amazing exercise. Come join the Dunnellon Tai Chi for Health Community and get fit for life.
Contact me for more information.
Beginners: Mondays 9:30 am to 11:00 am - $50/Month
Intermediates: Wednesdays & Fridays 9:30 am to 10:30 am - $65/Month
Written By: Dr Paul Lam
Tai Chi, also known as Shadow Boxing, is one of the major branches of the traditional Chinese martial arts. It's name is derived from the philosophical term, "Tai Chi," the first known written reference of which appeared in the Book of Changes over 3,000 years ago during the Zhou Dynasty (1100-1221 BC). In this book it says that "in all changes exists Tai Chi, which causes the two opposites in everything." Tai Chi means the ultimate of ultimate, often used to describe the vastness of the universe.
The essential principles of Tai Chi are based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism, which stresses the natural balance in all things and the need for living in spiritual and physical accord with the patterns of nature. According to this philosophy, everything is composed of two opposites, but entirely complementary, elements of yin and yang, working in a relationship which is in perpetual balance. Tai Chi consists of exercises equally balanced between yin and yang, which is why it is so remarkably effective.
Yin and yang are polar opposites and are found in all things in life. In nature, everything tends toward a natural state of harmony. Likewise, yin and yang are always in total balance. Concepts such as soft, pliant, yielding and feminine are associated with yin, while concepts such as hard, rigid and masculine are associated with yang. Both sides complement each other completely and together form a perfect whole. Things which are perfectly balanced and in harmony are at peace; being at peace leads naturally to longevity. A perfectly harmonized person will show this balance and completeness by his or her tranquility and peacefulness of mind..........TO READ MORE OF DR LAM'S HISTORY OF TAI CHI, SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER AND LET ME KNOW YOU WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THE FULL ARTICLE.
Here is the Dunnellon Tai Chi for Health Community celebrating World Tai Chi & Qigong Day in Ernie Mills Park, Dunnellon, Florida. Great fun was had by all. It was a great day to celebrate unity and peace among all people of the world together. One World...One Breath
Everyone had a great time celebrating. The weather was beautiful and it was fun playing Tai Chi with the rest of the world. One World..One Breath
I attended Dr Lam's workshop for Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention. I attended with 45 other Certified Instructors from all over the United States, along with many Master Trainers from around the globe. The workshop was an inspiration, especially under the auspices of a Tai Chi Master such as Dr Lam. The two day workshop gave me a more deep understanding of Tai Chi and the many, many health benefits you derive from practicing. The two-day class really humbled me and made me realize that my Tai Chi journey is a lifetime journey to enjoy and savor, and I am just beginning.
Gain inner peace, core strength, better balance and a greater connection between mind and body. The slow, gentle movements make you strong while the deep breathing calms your mind and spirit.
Beginners - Mondays 9:30 am to 11:00 am - $50/Month
Intermediates - Wednesdays & Fridays 9:30 am to 10:30 am - $65/Month
Tai Chi which has roots in Chinese martial arts, uses a series of slow, flowing motions and deep, slow breathing to exercise the body and calm the mind. You move from one pose to another gradually, shifting your weight and extending your limbs to challenge your balance. It looks like a graceful dance. Tai Chi has many physical benefits. "It's more than you think." It exercises the heart and helps prevent heart disease." The slow, extended weight shifting helps improve bone density and joint stability. The movements also stretch and strengthen muscles.
"By far the greatest benefit for older adults is a reduction in falls," says Stanwood Chang, a tai chi instructor at Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, part of Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hosptial, who has been involved in a number of studies that have shown Tai Chi improves balance. What's the secret? Tai Chi combines the physical components needed to stay upright--leg strength, flexibility, range of motion, and reflexes-all of which tend to decline with age. What's more, says Chang, "the slow, deliberate footwork brings more awareness to the soles of the feet, not only in terms of touch sensitivity of foot to the floor, but also in awareness to changes in the ankle angle and weight distribution."
This evidence-based gentle exercise program, proven effective for fall prevention, was developed by Dr. Paul Lam, a family physician in Sydney (Australia) and world leader in the field of tai chi for health improvement as founder of theTai Chi for Health Institute (TCHI).
Sign Up to receive more articles on the benefits of Tai Chi. Start your journey to a healthier life.
11756 Cedar Street, Dunnellon, FL 34431
Valerie Levy, Board Certified Instructor (352) 465-5131
Beginners on Mondays 9:30 to 11:00 am - $50/Month
Intermediates on Wednesdays & Fridays 9:30 to 10:30 am
Classes are $65 per month